2015 Fannie Mae Refresher and Updates 
7-Hour Course

Approved for 7 Hours of
Continuing Education by:

Kentucky Real Estate 
Appraisers Board

Real Estate Appraiser
Licensing & Certification Board
(approved as of 4/14/2015)

Real Estate Appraiser
(approved as of 7/2/2015)



Approved for
3 Hours (law)
Continuing Education by:

Kentucky Real Estate 
(for April & May classes ONLY)


Call for approvals with other agencies

Instructor:   Dennis L. Badger, AQB Certified USPAP Instructor


Beginning in 2015, Fannie Mae made its proprietary appraisal analysis application available to lenders allowing them to compare appraisals against Fannie Mae’s database of appraisal and market data.

Collateral Underwriter leverages Fannie Mae’s market data and analytical models to perform a comprehensive assessment of the appraisal.  The tool provides an overall risk score and detailed messaging to highlight specific aspects of the appraisal that may warrant further attention.

On January 26, 2015, Fannie Mae introduced an appraisal risk score, flags, and new messages in Uniform Collateral Data Portal from Collateral Underwriter to support a more proactive management of appraisal quality.

By the end of this course, participants should:

  • Develop a better understanding of recent changes to the Uniform Collateral Data Portal
  • Identify the new Collateral Underwriter Scores, Flags, and Messages that will occur in the Uniform Collateral Data Portal
  • Identify severity level modifications to messages that will require lender action
  • Develop a better understanding of recent changes to the Fannie Mae Selling Guide as they apply to appraisers

Length:  One day, 7-hour continuing education seminar.  Registration begins at 8:00 a.m. and the seminar begins promptly at 8:30 a.m. and ends at 4:30 p.m.

Course Fee:  $130 if payment received in advance; $155 if paid at the door. 

Recording:  No audio recording or video recording is permitted. 

Dates and Locations:  Click Here

Registration: Click Here  or Register Online

Reservations: Call toll free (877) 463-3323 for reservations today!

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